Author: Harper Dion
Posted Date: September 23, 2022
Our leadership team was once again tasked with selecting a superstar who went above and beyond on-site, illustrating the MHA Difference throughout their work and life. This consultant is someone who lives out the core values while providing a productive and professional service to clients, creating long-lasting relationships outside of the workplace. This is no easy task considering MHA’s deeply stacked catalogue of wonderful consultants. However, after careful consideration, the team chose Nena Hart as September’s Consultant of the Month.
Nena joined MHA in mid-2021 and quickly became acclimated to the team-oriented environment. “It’s challenging but provides the support of a highly skilled team,” said Hart. The collaborative environment goes well with Nena’s desire to learn and connect with everyone on a deeper level. Nena always goes the extra mile to understand where her clients are coming from which is why she excels at MHA.
Before joining MHA, Nena worked at the management level across an array of agencies. Namely, her experience managing corporate hospice, specializing in operations and utilizations. Her past specializations help her with her new focus at MHA, rapid assessments. She oversaw other agencies holistic performances giving her the insight to identify problems right away.
Nena lives in Hawaii on the island of Lanai, which is fitting as her favorite hobby is going to the beach with her husband and four children.
MHA Experience
As an MHA consultant, Nena works as a Home Care Rapid Assessment specialist. She says this line of work gives her the opportunity to learn something every time, gaining a new perspective on efficiency and excellence. She enjoys being able to witness the impact her efforts had and working on rapid assessments is a perfect way to do so. This job builds off her experience and allows her to objectively look at an agency’s issues that can seem impossible from an internal point of view. “It’s the best parts of both working for a team and working for yourself,” said Nena about implementing rapid assessments.
Nena’s favorite MHA core value is gratitude because she said she was beyond grateful for the opportunity to join and learn with MHA. Every day she practices gratitude in her work and home life, and it’s the main reason she has been so successful within MHA.
We asked Nena what she enjoys about working for MHA and she said: “I love the flexibility and collaborative environment Maxwell has. It’s very accommodating and the team is always helpful and patient.” Nena has even went as far as referring close to 10 professional and personal connections to MHA. We’re glad to have you, Nena! Keep up the good work, and congratulations on your nomination.